
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Komodo Island -7 Wonders of Nature

For those of you who like to travel, you definitely do not want to miss the impressive attractions throughout the archipelago. Adventure to the exotic islands, dive into the azure, and bathed in sunshine will make your vacation unforgettable. Imagine, you also have the opportunity to see the traces of past life are preserved, whose role and maintain its sustainability. You and your family feel at home not only enjoy its natural attractions, but also proud to be part of the diverse beauty of Indonesia. And here, on the island of Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Komodo Island
is located at the westernmost tip of East Nusa Tenggara Province, which borders the province of West Nusa Tenggara. Precisely in the District of Komodo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Since 1980, an area of ​​1817 km2 National Park is made ​​by the Government of Indonesia, which is then recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986. Together with two other large islands, the island of Rinca and Padar, Komodo Island and several smaller islands around it continues to be maintained as a habitat for native reptiles, dubbed the "Komodo Dragon" it.

History of Komodo:
Varanus komodoensis bears the Latin name and local name "Ora", giant lizards, according to a story first published in 1912 in a national daily Dutch East Indies. Peter A. Ouwens, director of the Zoological Museum at Bogor is a person who has been introduced to the world through his paper dragons that. Since then, expeditions and research on endangered species continue, even reportedly had inspired the film KingKong in 1933. Recognizing the need for protection against the dragon in the center of human activity in it's original habitat, in 1915 the Dutch government issued a ban on the hunting and killing dragons.

Thanks to the efforts of government and local communities in conserving the National Park, tourists come to visit and is now a close look at the life of these ancient reptiles. With a body length of 2-3 meters, the Komodo dragon can weigh up to 70-100 pounds. Animals are like this place is hot and dry savanna habitat or living in tropical forests at low altitude. When night comes, dragons nest in holes in the 1-3 meter while maintaining body heat at night. As carnivores at the top of the food chain, prey Komodo include goats, deer, wild boar, and birds. In certain circumstances, can behave Komodo dragons prey on cannibalism with another. By relying on the sense of smell on his tongue, the Komodo dragon can smell carrion prey as far as 9 kilometers. And its bite can contain deadly bacteria, plus a sharp front claws are natural weapons. In addition, the dragons were able to run 20 kilometers per hour within a short distance, climb trees, swim and even dive.
Like most other reptiles, the Komodo dragon reproduce by laying eggs.

How to get there & Accomodation?
As one of the flagship attractions Indonesia, Komodo Island hostels provide accommodation ranging from local communities to set up an international resort. For domestic tourists, you are charged entrance fee start from Rp. 75,000, while foreign tourists amounted to U.S. $ 15. To reach the island of Komodo, you can route the plane from Kupang (capital of East Nusa Tenggara-NTT) to the town of Ende on Flores Island. Next we proceed by minibus to Labuhanbajo which takes 10 hours. Of Labuhanbajo, speedboat will take you to the island of Komodo after a crossing for 2 hours. Several other routes you can take a flight from Bali corresponding airline that serves the purpose to NTT. A variety of tour packages offered by travel agents it's quite interesting to try for the first time you came to this island of Komodo.
Eco-tourism, announced the government on the island of Komodo National Park is expected to bring more domestic tourists / foreigners. Not only parents, even though children should not be afraid to come and visit there. With safety regulations and tour are awake, humans and dragons co-exist peacefully.

Komodo Island Tourism attractions:

Enjoy a tour of Komodo Island National Park to observe the life of dragons up close may not be enough for you. For those of you who like water sports, you can try to dive in the waters north and south islands. Northern waters of the warm waters of the current meeting of the Banda Sea and Flores. Instead, offer water cooler southern waters of the ocean currents Indonesia. Combination of these two different aquatic character produces a rich underwater ecosystem. Various types of coral reefs flourish and become a place to live for so many species of fish and provider of marine aquatic life support systems. Many divers have to watch the underwater life of the charming island of Komodo waters, which hold immense potential for biodiversity.
Other amazing place in Komodo Island are Mayo Island, Satonda Lake, Gili Laba, Merah (Red) Beach, Bidadari Island.


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  3. Nice article, Komodo Island in Indonesia has to be a 'must see' for any visitor to the archipelago!!!
