
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Satonda Lake-The mysterious one

Satonda lake is located in the Flores Sea, about three kilometers from semenenanjung Studio. When we come to the West Nusa Tenggara through the city of Mataram, then a trip to Dompu can be reached by bus which departs in the morning or afternoon. Then from Dompu by bus which is about 106 kilometers. Crossing by boat motors.
Lake depth varies between 15-69 meters. The water is clear. The salty is at any different. On the surface up to 22.8 meters grading 90 percent over the salty sea water. While at a depth of 50 meters to the bottom of the sea water exceeds 108-117 percent.

There are poisonous tree sap Kalibuda that can turn a blind eye, is believed to be sacred tree. On the branches hanging rock'''''''' ideals. That rock is hung on a rope tied to the branches that were believed to be a place to channel the desire. Beside it was a shrine that is believed to have mukso person (his body disappears).
Kabuda Tree

For nature lovers, from the hill over there look natural
scenery and the sun is sinking. Who loves rock climbing there are steep cliffs, forested hills and overgrown shrubs various thistles. The atmosphere is also equipped sounds of birds and monkeys. The wild boar and deer foraging running.

Satonda mountain  has become a pit crater that had so grown sea submerged coral reefs a few thousand years ago it became the rock dies. So it's all rock all the lake bottom. And signs of volcanoes at the edges look strato layer - between the sand and lava rock to be the result of the volcano clearly.

The study says that Satonda is actually a volcanic island (volcano) arising from a depth of 1000 meters. Is not confirmed by the eruption of the time, there is formed a caldera lake that resembles a figure eight, a large crater in the south of diameter 950 meters to the north while the diameter of 400 meters.

Acid levels from 7.08 to 8.27 pH and water temperature of 28.3 C-39, 0 C. At the beginning-the beginning of water in the lake is fresh water but because of changes in the beach or tsunami resulting from the eruption of Mount Tambora, 15 April 1815, the lake water becomes salty.

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